Understand What Your Home Is Worth

Arrange for appraisal services in Medford, OR

There are many advantages to working with a local appraiser. A local professional understands how to pull comparable properties and knows what to look for in local builds. Frohreich Appraisal in Medford, OR will manage your appraisal every step of the way. Our owner has over 15 years of experience and handles every appraisal personally.

Call 541-890-9987 today to schedule your appraisal.

Do you need an appraisal?

Whether you're getting ready to sell a property or dividing assets during a divorce, you need to understand what the property is worth. You can depend on our local appraiser for:


Our appraiser will inspect and assess your property, pull comps and provide a detailed report that goes over your property's value. For more information on our appraisal services, please contact us now.


Experience makes a difference

Assessing properties accurately requires a practiced eye and plenty of experience. When you need appraisal services, don't look any further than Frohreich Appraisal in Medford, OR.

Our appraiser has over 15 years of experience. He understands what to look for in homes of different ages, and he provides detailed reports and assessments. He'll be sure that you understand the details of your report and are happy with his services.

Wondering what it's like to work with our appraiser? View our Reviews page now to hear directly from some of our clients.